Saturday, October 20, 2012

Heroes of Rock!

Our class decided on three games! TimeJump is not one of them. It was fun thinking and working on that game. The three games that got picked are: Attraction, Ninja Royal and Heroes of Rock. As you can probably tell I am working on Heroes of Rock!

Heroes of Rock is an awesome idea. Our team has decided the three pillars of our game will be using the guitar peripheral, action and music. The game is going to be a 2.5D action platformer that you'll want to use the guitar for controls. Personally, I think it will be challenging to find the perfect control scheme for this game. I want it to feel like you're playing the guitar while destroying creatures and exploring the world. I am excited put some work into this game.

The project I was assigned to work on is to make the save function in the level editor actually write the correct values to a file. We really want to get the editor up and running so we can start building levels easier. There have been a few challenges getting this function to work properly. The first challenge is my lack of knowledge with this code base. I'll overcome this obstacle by simply working with the code. Eventually I will learn the code and functions, it just takes time. The second challenge is a little more technical. I need to convert a quaternion to euler's angles. I haven't done this before so I am going to have to research the problem before I start hacking at the code. Overall, I was giving a pretty simple assignment.

I am working with some great engineers. I am going to learn a lot by working with them. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes.

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